About Us


Our MISSION is to Spark a MOVEMENT of Women Accepting Themselves as GOD Made Them While (as We Say) Beautifying Their Spirits Because It Is Your Spirit That Makes You Beautiful.


Our VISION is for Women Around the World to KNOW & BELIEVE That They are Beautiful… Inside & Out.


We Encourage Financial Education, Healthy Lifestyle, and Spirituality Because We Believe That ALL of These Things are Important to Having  A Beautiful Spirit.

Our Story...

We sparked Our mission in May 2019 after Diamond Reynolds, Our Founder/CEO, was in a checkout line at her local grocery store.  Diamond had recently cut her hair to a very short style, and let me tell you… she wore it with GREAT CONFIDENCE!  The cashier admired and said “I like your hair. I recently cut mine.”  The cashier was wearing a baseball hat, so Diamond said “Oh really! Let me see!”  Diamond could tell that the cashier was insecure about her hair as she slowly removed her baseball hat.  Diamond said, “Girl! You Better Wear Your Beauty!”  It was not until months later God gave Diamond a vision at 3:00am to form Wear Your Beauty, Inc. Diamond immediately jump on the process to start her business.

Our Why...

Wear Your Beauty, Inc. was formed to attack mental health issues like depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse fed by insecurities that young women battle caused by society’s pressure to look like the “perfect” woman. According to the American Society of Plastics Surgeons, there were 18.1 million cosmetic surgeries performed in 2019 with women making up 92% of those surgeries. According to an article published by USA Today in 2019, Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs), which is liposuction of various areas of the body and then injection of the collected fat into the buttocks and sometime hips, increased by 135% from 2012 to 2017.  Sadly, too many women have died from this surgery because fat is accidently injected into the veins and travels to the lungs.  In 2018, the death rate from this surgery was 1 in 3,000, all performed by board-certified plastic surgeons.  Insecurities not only influence women to have plastic surgery, but also drive some women to suicide.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide was the 2nd leading cause of death of young women between the ages of 10 and 34.  We are concerned about the negative impact of insecurities as we see this problem affecting girls as young as 9 years old.

Meet Our Founder

Diamond Reynolds is the Founder & CEO of Wear Your Beauty, Inc. Diamond is a native Detroiter and earned both her Bachelor’s in Accounting and Master of Science in Accounting from Wayne State University. Not only is she the founder of WYB, but Diamond also formed her self-named accounting and tax practice in May 2018. In Fall 2020, Diamond joined Wayne State University as an adjunct Accounting & Tax Professor at the new Mike Ilitch School of Business. Diamond has a passion for her community as well, volunteering at various local charities such as Gleaners Food Bank, Enjoy Detroit, and Capuchin Kitchen. In addition, every holiday season, Diamond collects unwanted clothes and shoes for women and children and donates them to Alternatives for Girls (“AFG”). Diamond also sponsors an annual charity basketball game that benefits AFG. Diamond is responsible for major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of the company, and being the public face of Wear Your Beauty.

You Have A Beautiful Spirit… Wear It!